Bank churn
This benchmark was found on Neural Designer. The location of their article
may change after some time. The model determines likelihood of churning for the bank clients depending on demographics. The fragment
of dataset is shown below:
It is actually the data for probabilistic model because both targets $0$ and $1$ may exist for the same features, but when there are only two classes
the model output may be a real number and be treated as probability. Also, in this test we need only a comparison to the code designed by other
The dataset has $10,000$ records. It is divided into training (60%), selection (20%) and testing (20%). The selection plays the role of validation
sample and test is what we need for conclusion.
The model output is real number, but it is rounded and returned as 0 or 1. The accuracy metric is the ratio of correct predictions.
Neural Designer reports 78.8%, our piecewise linear and spline models give near 85%.
There are many other trials of this dataset with better results. For example, SMOTE.
But it uses additional data improvement (SMOTE) which is compensation of imbalances and demonstrates the advantage of SMOTE.
There is comparison of results with and without SMOTE. Without SMOTE accuracy varies from 85% to 87%, but they use
different data division into training and validation sets and different accuracy metrics.
The goal of this benchmark was not to beat the record but only to compare MLP and KAN by reproducing Neural Designer experiment as close as possible with only different model.
