
Vector Targets

Reference to code Vector targets

'Vector targets' means multiple scalars with complex interdependence and shared internal system structures. As an example, we chose areas of four faces of random tetrahedrons, defined by randomly generated coordinates of the vertices as uniformly distributed random numbers from [0, 100].

The training dataset is 500,000 records. The validation dataset is 50,000. Number of features is 12. Baseline MATLAB script is below:
function tetrahedron_nn()
    % Parameters
    num_train = 500000;
    num_val = 50000;
    input_dim = 12; % 4 vertices * 3 coordinates
    output_dim = 4; % 4 face areas

    % Generate data
    [X_train, Y_train] = generate_data(num_train);
    [X_val, Y_val] = generate_data(num_val);
    % Define neural network
    layers = [
    % Training options
    options = trainingOptions('adam', ...
        'MaxEpochs', 50, ...
        'MiniBatchSize', 1024, ...
        'Shuffle', 'every-epoch', ...
        'ValidationData', {X_val, Y_val}, ...
        'ValidationFrequency', 50, ...
        'Plots', 'training-progress', ...
        'Verbose', true);
    % Train the network
    net = trainNetwork(X_train, Y_train, layers, options);
    % Predict and evaluate
    Y_pred = predict(net, X_val);
    % Compute Pearson correlations
    for i = 1:output_dim
        corr_val = corr(Y_pred(:, i), Y_val(:, i));
        fprintf('Face %d Pearson correlation: %.4f\n', i, corr_val);

function [X, Y] = generate_data(n)
    X = 100 * rand(n, 12); % Random tetrahedron vertices in [0, 100]
    Y = zeros(n, 4); % Areas of four faces
    for i = 1:n
        V = reshape(X(i, :), [3, 4])'; % 4 vertices (3D points)
        faces = [1 2 3; 1 2 4; 1 3 4; 2 3 4];
        for j = 1:4
            A = V(faces(j, 1), :);
            B = V(faces(j, 2), :);
            C = V(faces(j, 3), :);
            Y(i, j) = 0.5 * norm(cross(B - A, C - A));
Training time 16 min, 52 sec. Accuracy metrics were Pearson correlation coefficients for each individual face, they are shown below:
Face 1 Pearson correlation: 0.9768
Face 2 Pearson correlation: 0.9775
Face 3 Pearson correlation: 0.9777
Face 4 Pearson correlation: 0.9777
KAN C++ counter test is provided by the link at the top. The program printout is shown below:
Epoch 49, current relative error 0.023376
Time for training 349.875 sec.
Relative RMSE error for unseen data 0.02386

Pearsons for individual targets: 0.9833 0.9847 0.9840 0.9845
We can see that it is quicker and more accurate. The accuracy and performance may vary for different configurations of the both script and C++ code, but in all cases KAN is several times quicker and more accurate.